When looking to begin a career that is incredibly rewarding and helpful to a great number of people, you should consider the phlebotomist track. Moving toward a career in phlebotomy can be one of the best decisions that you make, as illustrated by four of the advantages below. Consider these four advantages and then sign up for a phlebotomy technician training program that can teach you the tools of the trade that you need to begin this track and get started in your career.

Benefit #1: Phlebotomists Make Good Money

While rewarding careers are what everyone strives for, the pay scale is still one of the most important criteria for most people. The money earned by becoming a phlebotomist is good when compared to other career tracks that also do not require college degrees. Most phlebotomists start at about $12.50 on the low end and can earn as much as $20 per hour or more depending on where they work.

Benefit #2: The Medical Skills That You Learn Can Be Applied To A Number Of Fields And Interests

Another great benefit of becoming a phlebotomist is that you will learn a number of medical-related skills that can either take you further in phlebotomy, or carry over into other medical fields. Some examples of vital skills that you will learn include CPR, first aid, the use of sophisticated medical equipment, knowledge of human anatomy, medical administration and more. These skills are vital in today's landscape and will carry over into plenty of jobs.

Benefit #3:  The Time To Become Certified Is Low

Many people turn to phlebotomy technician programs because they do not require a four-year college investment. Instead, many people who choose to take this track can receive the certification that they need in as little as two months or as many as two years. This certification can be received in a number of places, including community colleges and technical schools.

Benefit #4: This Job Is Always In Demand

The worst thing you would want is to receive certification in a career path with jobs that are hard to come by. You never have to worry about that with phlebotomy, because it is a career path that is highly in demand, and the demand is only growing over the years. This means you will be able to get the certification and seek employment in a number of cities and states and with a number of companies.

Consider these benefits and reach out to an institution in your area that can get you certified. 
